Team 3P2L
Members: Harshit Kumar, Gunjan Utreja
In our modern, interconnected digital world, every moment sees us imprinting 'data-fingerprints' (DFs) – whether we act with benevolence or malice. Yet, as it stands, these DFs remain largely indistinguishable from one another. This paper introduces a two layer methodology. Layer 1's goal is to emphasise the data fingerprints (DFs) of ethical participants. To make benevolent DFs stand out distinctly, reminiscent of the brightest stars in a vast night sky. To realise this, we advocate for the establishment of a Digital Certificate Chain (DCC). This chain, rooted in the trademark owner's authorization, grows with each trade in the supply chain, ensuring an up-to-date record. The outcome? As a result, the entity selling to the end consumer can use this certificate to prove they did acquire the trademarked goods duly. Layer 2 is inspired from UPI, Beckn Protocol and ONDC. Layer 2 enhances product authenticity by standardising verification across different identification technologies. Using a Centralised Gateway, it allows consumers to easily check product authenticity with any app of their choice, reducing complexity and cost. This approach offers additional social, ecological and economic benefits.